Retrochallenge 2017 10

For the last couple of Retrochallenges I’ve been working on an RPG-style game for the Commodore 64.  That’s the sort of project that can fill up as much time as you want to give to it, so I don’t expect to be finished anytime soon.

This time around, I’m not exactly sure which part of the project I’m going to start on, but here’s a couple places that need work:

  • General memory usage optimization.
  • Sound and Music.
  • Combat System (any combat system!)
  • Data management & tools for building disk images.
  • Content! Content! Content!

Ideally, I’m going to pick a random project and just dive in.  What could possibly go wrong?

We got off to a bad start thanks to a failed development machine, but things are finally starting to progress:

